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Kriya Nusantara

Quran Box:
The Quran Box is the first generation of box products designed and produced by Kriya Nusantara in the mid-1990s. The main idea behind the design of the Quran Box was to explore the application of traditional etching techniques, which are usually widely used only for wall decoration products, into functional products with high economic value. This Quran Box product paved the way for the birth of other derivative box products designed and produced by PT. Global Kriya Nusantara, such as jewelry boxes, music boxes, and perfume boxes.

Cawang Art Radio:
These two radios, named Kotakswara, were designed not as audio products that are pleasant to listen to, but as objects that are pleasing to the eye.

Animal Series:
The Animal Series was designed as a collection of stationery products themed around iconic Indonesian fauna. Targeted as souvenir/gift items, the design of the Animal Series is enhanced by applying various distinctive Indonesian ornaments.

Design Team: Adhi Nugraha, Kriya Nusantara Desig Team
Production: PT Global Kriya Nusantara (Bandung)

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